Re: DreamWear Pillows?
back in my day you would sleep on pillows, you didn't put them in your nose to sleep!! but they can be really comfy, i used a mask called the QUICK fx or something and i barely noticed it!! (well as … (View Post)1 -
Re: P10 vs. N20
@Von_EasyBreathe that f20 looks snazzy!! ill look into it, can't believe magnets are making life easier and easier!! i used to play in the playground when i was a kid with steve and we would alway (View Post)1 -
Re: AirFit P10 Headgear replacement
i made one strap piece last for a year and another one for two weeks, i can't figure these things out!! im going on 5 months now with mine!! (View Post)1 -
Re: Is there a nasal mask with soft gel?
by golly the heavens have rained luck on me!! thanks mr bryan!! (View Post)2